Tuesday, March 16, 2010


My son has discovered the joy of farting in the bathtub and making one's own jacuzzi.  He giggled and giggled!

Monday, March 1, 2010

4 Months Old!!!

Dear Bunnies,

You were 4 months old yesterday.  Yikes!!!  You are hitting milestones so quickly, our heads are spinning.  You are turning into real little people with your own personalities (plus) and everything.  You smile at us and laugh at us and you even talk to us on a regular basis.  Your Grampa Arnie passed a couple weeks ago, and even though he was never able to see you, I know he'd have thought you were the ultimate babies of the universe.  I'll just throw a bunch of pictures up and let that say it all.  It really doesn't matter what order they're in, as our life has become one big blur.  Hey, we're not complaining!

Friday, January 29, 2010


OK, so the bunnies were 3 months old yesterday, and time has completely gotten away from me and I haven't updated this dang blog in forever.  I'M A BAD BLOGGER!!!  I admit it.  Here are a couple pics, and I'll try to update more often.  I promise!  BTW, someone can come hold a baby or two, and then I'd have more time to loll around, updating blogs!

Little Bears, all ready to go!

Sylvie in the nifty jammies Rosemary sent from Brazil.

Etienne, our Chunky Monkey.

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Giving Thanks

Well, we've got a lot to be thankful for today.  Our bunnies are doing great and making us smile every day.  Life is good!  We've even worked through that bath angst in the last week.  All Mom's fault -- water not quite warm enough.  Here are some pics from the last week:

Etienne getting his hair washed.

Hair washing makes Sylvie yawn.

All bundled up in a frog towel.

Curled up with Dad on the couch.

Smedley shares Mom's lap with Sylvie.

Little hand with strong grip.

The quiet moments are so blessed.  We hurt when they hurt.  Gas is no fun.  We feel a deep sense of joy when they are content and at peace.  They make us cry and they make us laugh.  These are the most wonderful times together.  We are so very thankful.  So very, very thankful.

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Three Weeks Old!

It's so hard to believe, but our little bunnies are three weeks old today.  Yikes!  We are completely and totally in love with them.  It still makes me cry to look at them every once in a while.  This past week, we got in lots of great walks in the awesome stroller Aunt Lise got for them.  They love it.  Cool!  Sometimes I want to stop complete strangers and say, "Hey!  These are my kids!".  Like, I'm sure they see that, but I just want to tell the world.

A walk in the park.

Dad thinks he can get away with you!

 More Sylvie smiles.

 Etienne and his best buddy, Bink.

I love Etienne's little frog legs!  Both babies are getting such personalities.  Sylvie decided to try being nocturnal this week.  We tried to convince her that was just for skunks.  She took pity on us last night and just stayed up until the midnight meal.  I've started calling them the Wolf Cubs for some reason.  Probably because they howl when they are hungry and then they eat like there's no tomorrow.  Yes, I know that wolves have pups, but my brain is fuzzy from lack of sleep and the strangest things come out of it.  The cats are getting braver about the babies, and they've both actually gotten close enough to sniff and run.  In the grand scheme of things, I suppose this is all very trivial, but we live for every moment of it.   

Things our babies like:  food, being held, binks, naps, Beatles songs being hummed at them at 1:00 in the morning.
Things our babies don't like:  baths.  They don't much care for cold wipes on their tushes either.  Can't blame them, I suppose.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Quiet Time

Dear Bunnies

We went to the Dr. yesterday, and you've both gained weight and you're both still perfect.  Like, yuh!  We knew that!  We've settled into a quiet little house.  It's comfy and homey and all that.  I'm still verklempt at the drop of a hat.  You just knock me out.  Dad is so in love with you he doesn't make sense half the time.  Here you are this week:

Smedley, still horrified and mesmerized.

  Sylvie giving me the stink eye.

Etienne watching Dad.

Sylvie smiling about something secret.

Etienne fell asleep while contemplating the world.

 Mom and Sylvie sharing a smile.

Honestly, I don't know where the time goes each day.  Note to self:  Must buy lottery ticket!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Well, babies have been home for about 9 days.  I think we're starting to settle in.  I'm sure everything will change just as quickly.  My sister, Lise, went home today.  Bummer!  It was so nice to have an extra set of hands and someone with experience to tell us we weren't going to permanently damage our kids -- not just yet.  Things we did in the last week:

Me on Double Bink Duty.

A quiet Dad moment.

Sylvie in Boppy Land

Etienne in Boppy Land.

Smedley, watching over his babies.

Elliott, wondering what the heck you're doing.

Sylvie, trying out the swing Barb sent.  She liked it.

So far, so good.  No major dramas.  We're all just chillin' in our little home.  The weather has been beautiful, and the stroller arrived today.  Let's hope we can go for a walk tomorrow.  Yay!

Here are a couple more pics from the hospital -- the night we got to come home.  Sylvie and Etienne slept the whole way home.  What good babies!!!  They must have taken pity on us.  We hadn't eaten or slept in a while, and we were so ready to come home we were just about ready to cry.  I've never been so happy to see our own cob webs in my life!

Sylvie the Mouse

Etienne the Giraffe

Loading up the car to go home.  Woo Hoo!!!